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Number of results: 23

Persuasion and gender: experimental evidence from two political campaigns

We investigate differential responses by gender to competitive persuasion in political campaigns. We implemented a survey and a field experiment during two mayoral elections in Italy. Eligible voters were exposed to a positive or negative campaign by an opponent. The survey experiment used on-line videos and slogans. The field experiment …
Tommaso Nannicini, Vincenzo Galasso

Historical Roots of Political Extremism: The Effects of Nazi Occupation of Italy

The Italian civil war and the Nazi occupation of Italy occurred at a critical juncture, just before the birth of a new democracy and when, for the first time in a generation, Italians were choosing political affliations and forming political identities. In this paper we study how these traumatic events …
Joint with Nicola Fontana and Guido Tabellini

I divari generazionali in Italia

In Italia, nella discussione pubblica, si ricorre spesso (a volte giustamente, a volte meno) alla retorica dei diritti. Mi unisco al coro rimpinguando la lista con un diritto in più, quello a inseguire i propri sogni.
Prefazione al volume: F. Cancellato, “Né sfruttati, né bamboccioni”