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Number of results: 7

Italy and the euro: Myths and realities

The euro’s impact on southern EZ members is a key topic in national and European debates. This column argues that the economic evidence is twisted to fit preconceptions. It presents evidence based on the ‘synthetic control’ approach, finding that the euro raised trade, lowered interest rates and inflation, but had …
Tommaso Nannicini, Paolo Manasse, Alessandro Saia

Persuasive communication: Men and women react differently

The perceived tone of a product or political advertisement affects public response – even holding constant the content of the message. This column provides evidence that men and women react differently to positive and negative tones in electoral advertisements. Negative advertising increases voter turnout among men but not women; positive …
Tommaso Nannicini, Vincenzo Galasso

The Political Resource Curse

Is the discovery of natural resources necessarily a good thing? Examining data from Brazil, this column finds that a 10% windfall in government revenues leads to a 12 percentage point increase in corruption and a 3 percentage point reduction in the probability that politicians have a degree. The chance that …
Tommaso Nannicini, Fernanda Brollo, Roberto Perotti, Guido Tabellini

Competing on good politicians

Political competition may produce better governance. This column shows that Italian politicians shirk less when they are from a more closely contested district. But it’s not simply a re-election incentive – parties are more likely to choose qualified candidates rather than loyalists to run in contestable district, therefore putting better …
Tommaso Nannicini, Vincenzo Galasso

Salvate il soldato Beveridge!

I riformisti devono investire di più nella ricerca del consenso e nella definizione delle alleanze sociali necessarie per far passare le riforme.
"Le Riforme dei Riformisti", a cura di Giovanni Matteoli