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Il contratto a tutele crescenti

Il contratto a tutele crescenti non è solo il primo tassello del Jobs Act targato Renzi-Poletti. Ne rappresenta anche una delle architravi. Architrave che non può reggere da sola l’intero impianto ma che risulta nondimeno fondamentale.
Prefazione al volume: G. Falasca (a cura di), Il Contratto a tutele crescenti

Italy and the euro: Myths and realities

The euro’s impact on southern EZ members is a key topic in national and European debates. This column argues that the economic evidence is twisted to fit preconceptions. It presents evidence based on the ‘synthetic control’ approach, finding that the euro raised trade, lowered interest rates and inflation, but had …
Tommaso Nannicini, Paolo Manasse, Alessandro Saia

Persuasive communication: Men and women react differently

The perceived tone of a product or political advertisement affects public response – even holding constant the content of the message. This column provides evidence that men and women react differently to positive and negative tones in electoral advertisements. Negative advertising increases voter turnout among men but not women; positive …
Tommaso Nannicini, Vincenzo Galasso